添加时间:她还表示,不认为有人能在年龄超出今次获奖的三人很多之前,获得这一奖项。诺贝尔经济学奖得主的平均年龄为67岁,而迪弗洛今次获奖可以说是超常态。首位获得诺贝尔经济学奖的女性得主是美国政治经济学家奥斯特罗姆(Elinor Ostrom),她在2009年因对经济治理尤其是公共经济治理方面的分析,与另一美国经济学家威廉姆森(Oliver E. Williamson)共获殊荣,时年76岁。
骨折场数据宝统计,今年以来,382股跌幅超过50%。股价腰斩,向来是投资者博取超跌反弹潜在收益的重点区域,“11.11 股市折扣季”就从这里开始。若从上证指数今年高点3587点(1月29日)为起点来统计,腰斩股有360只,可见,今年1月份大盘气势如虹的小阳春牛市对大部分个股没有实质性的影响,在那一波上证指数月波幅高达8%的涨势中,弱势股并没有随风而起(不然按道理从更高点跌下来,腰斩股的数量要更庞大而不是更少)。
Android, as well as Chrome and Chrome OS for that matter, are not “products” in the classic business sense. They have no plan to become their own “economic castles.” Rather they are very expensive and very aggressive “moats,” funded by the height and magnitude of Google’s castle [(search advertising)]. Google’s aim is defensive not offensive. They are not trying to make a profit on Android or Chrome. They want to take any layer that lives between themselves and the consumer and make it free (or even less than free). Because these layers are basically software products with no variable costs, this is a very viable defensive strategy. In essence, they are not just building a moat; Google is also scorching the earth for 250 miles around the outside of the castle to ensure no one can approach it. And best I can tell, they are doing a damn good job of it.